
Forever Social

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If you have already purchased a “Forever Social Package” you can click the button below to log in and see a slideshow of all of your photos and your own personal buk download link.

Every Social Forever Package Includes:

  • One Click Download
  • 1 Year Image Feed Storage
  • Realtime Streaming Slideshow
  • Sneak Peeks within 48-hours
  • Full Gallery within 4-weeks


Frequently asked

Why should I use a wedding hashtag?

Having a wedding hashtag is a great way to see all of your guests’ photos in one place. It’s a fun and immersive way to connect your guests and it may even allow you (or them) to see photos they might not have otherwise seen.

What’s the benefit of Forever Social? Why should I use it?

Wedding hashtags are a fantastic way to make sure you see all the great photos your guests take of your wedding day, but there are some critical issues. First, social media is not permanent. Those social feeds disappear into long and sometimes fleeting timelines. Forever Social solves this by providing you with a simple clickable link that will gather and download your photos all at once. You can then save them wherever you’d like. Forever. Second, not all your guests use and share on the same social media platforms. it’s hard to gather all of these photos for download. And finally, it’s difficult to 

What hashtags should I avoid?

Let’s say your fiancé has a long, complicated last name. Your side of the family, who isn’t as familiar with the name, will likely have trouble spelling it. You’ll end up with tons of misspelled hashtags attached to photos you may never see. Instead,  try a different approach by focusing on first names, the date, or even your wedding location. 

How to let guests know about my hashtag?

Coming up with the perfect hashtag is a start, but you also want to get people to use it. Drive it home by printing your hashtag somewhere your guests will see it—like on the bottom of your ceremony programs or on cocktail napkins at the bar. And once you’ve settled on your hashtag, don’t be afraid to use it.  As soon as you come up with it, you can use it for your own planning, like when you’re getting your marriage license or registering.

How do I choose a hashtag?

Personalization is huge. Start by writing down your and your fiancé’s first and last names and your wedding date. Then play around with different words. Embrace alliteration. Having that repeat in letters and sounds makes it so much catchier. In order for all of the photos to get tagged appropriately, ensure the hashtag is at the tip of guests’ fingertips as they’re typing their captions. People will use it if it’s really catchy and easy. 


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